Reverend Thomas's Irreverent Web Blog. A discussion of U.S. domestic events and policies affecting the development and direction of Faith Hope and Charity Ministries. Along with some highly opinionated comments, some seemingly non-Pastoral in nature.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Web Design - Part Two

More about web design and web design in my world. I will get back to calling out the researchers tomorrow.

As I mentioned I don't own a computer, my wife does. For the record, I may not live to see another week go by if someone does not help me out soon. Why you ask? Remember my wife used to design web pages for a living, you try and hog a web designer's computer and see how long you survive. Love is the only thing standing between me and 40 lashings with a wet noodle. If there are any Alienware Employees out there reading this blog, call your boss, talk him / her into sending me a laptop, and help save a life today. Tell them I hooked them up with a link on my blog and I will hook them up with a big Thanks and link on F.H.C. Ministries Website. It really has to be a laptop, we are a traveling ministry, and keeping a desktop alive in an RV is challenging. Back to that Alienware employee reading this, here is my configured Alienware wish list - Ok the link doesn't work the way I hoped it would. Have your boss e-mail me, I will be glad to provide my detailed wish list.

Back to my wonderful wife, she did hook me up with RSS today. What the heck is RSS, don't ask me. Click the link on this blog to answer that question. That's were she sent me to answer that question.

I read somewhere in all the reading I did yesterday that some organization (and I will re-find you) received a grant for $150 million to write a web page about poverty in America. They should have called me, I could have told them how to do it with an external hard drive, an internet connection, oh and of course - someone else's computer.

I am happy to report that I only have about 5 of my planned pages left to do. I still don't like my buttons but I have not attempted to do anything about them yet. January 1st is creeping up quick. I hope to see you soon.

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