Reverend Thomas's Irreverent Web Blog. A discussion of U.S. domestic events and policies affecting the development and direction of Faith Hope and Charity Ministries. Along with some highly opinionated comments, some seemingly non-Pastoral in nature.

Friday, September 21, 2007

So far today

So far today, God, I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, haven't lost my temper, haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent. I'm really glad about that.

But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help.

Have a great day everyone, thank you all for your support.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sometimes we get caught up "reporting" the bad news to raise awareness. Sometimes the good stories get left behind. Here is a good story, a heart warming story and a story of hope.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

This week in FHC

I would like to let everyone know what we have accomplished this week.
Articles of Incorporation - Done
Procurement Policy - Done
Ethics Statement - Done
Conflict of Interest Statement - Done
IRS Form 1023 - Almost Done
Texas State Form 202 - Done
Bylaws - Almost Done
What will we do with this hard work? We will file our Texas State Form 202 this week, we have the money for that. The IRS form will have to wait until we have the $700 needed to file that. This Sunday we will have a board meeting and adopt these Articles and Policies.

In addition razoo has extended the contest another two weeks so please join our group. If we win this money it means that FHC Ministries will be up and in action by the end of this year and that is exciting news to me.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day - The Facts

For most people Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer and Labor Day marks the end of summer. Labor day was established in 1862 by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for the working man, it became a national holiday in 1894. Since 1966 it has also been the weekend for the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and yes Jerry Lewis has been hosting it for all these years.

Now for the rest of the story. Labor day is has important to me as Memorial day, during those celebrations we honor two of the most important contributors to America today, yesterday and all the days to come.

The men and women who died for this country to give me the right to believe what I want to believe, say what I want to say (as long as it does not endanger another), to dream, to hope, and to live free. The men and women who go to work every day in all those behind the scenes service jobs and help take good care of me when I just want to sit down and have a cup of coffee delivered to me.

Though no part of the body can live without another part, and no part is more important than the another. Who would we be if a farmer did not grow food, if someone did not forge tools for him to farm with, if there were no doctor's to keep the farmer well, the connection between all the jobs done to sustain our way of life goes ignored all to often.

Today, we see a greater separation in classes, but no longer is there a real middle class, we have for the most part two classes, the working poor and the working rich. I don't begrudge someone reaping the benefits and rewards from there hard work. I simply ask that they pay a living wage to their employees.

I challenge all business owners to pay a living wage to their employee's. This one step, will prevent so much of the poverty the working poor suffer in America. America is great place to go when you need to ask someone to help. Americans will jump on the bandwagon of the innocents so fast you won't be able to keep up with it. Disaster relief, Aids Relief, World Hunger, Trash Communities, War, Endangered Species, Dogs, Cats you name it, an American is always ready to rescue the innocent.

I tell you now the working poor in this country are innocent as well, they did not choose to work for minimum wage, they choose to work to feed their families, they did not choose to set their salaries below the cost of living median, they choose to work to support and sustain themselves. They are just as innocent as a stray dog, a lost cat, a hungry child in America is as hungry as a hungry child anywhere else.

I challenge you to consider one more thing. If everyone was a doctor, lawyer, business owner, etc., who would make the products they sell, who would farm the food we eat, who would stand on their feet for 12 hours waiting on us while we complain about the burnt toast the cook sent out. Just who indeed would be behind the scenes quietly patiently making sure our lives are as comfortable as possible?

Celebrate Labor Day by taking a long look at your business practices, and see if maybe you could make a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle and be a leader, no a rebel and pay a living wage.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Zealous = Humble

Anyone who has read my blog lately knows about the razoo contest to win $10,000. In my zealousness to win, I have been adding friends and then inviting them to FHC's group as fast as I can.
I decided this morning to do a little research on FHC's new friends when someone pointed out to me the accomplishments of one those friends.
Wow, these new friends of FHC are doers, not talkers, they have accomplished a lot during the course of their lives. One of them speaks 7 languages, when you compare my bio to theirs no wonder the support for FHC comes hard. I am even having a difficult time getting verified on a site that receives donations for people and non-profits because my address on my drivers license is not the address I live it (curse of the nomad).
Although my calling is not new, answering my calling is and I can get a little over zealous at times (just ask my wife). Reading just one of FHC's new friends bio is humbling enough, reading several is very humbling.
FHC's commitment to being an ounce of prevention for the working poor of America is my calling, you'll find me in church on Sunday sitting in the pews not the pulpit, that is a different calling than mine. It took me a long time to realize the only way out of the belly of the whale was to have faith and practice obedience.
Thank you, new friends for reminding me that obedience should be my most important priority.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Prayer is the wrong application

I was having a conversation with someone in church yesterday I thought I should share.
We were talking about F.H.C. Ministries, and the poor, and he pointed out to me that he prays for the homeless and the poor everyday. I told him prayer was the wrong application, prayer is a great thing, but the wrong application in this case. See Matthew 25:35.
The Bible says to feed the hungry not pray for them.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I was looking through all of the take actions on razoo when I came across this one - Create an appriciation and post it. I thought to myself orginally, gee this will be easy, I'll just write a short thank you to my wife and be done.
My wife is my rock, when things get crazy and I need a little focus, she always comes through, she is smart, witty, a nut case sometimes, and a joy to be with, a blessing for me by all rights.
It can’t just end there I know I have left many things go unappreciated for a long time.
I thank God for His Son and the restoration of my soul.
I thank God for listening and answering my prayers even when I forget to pray sometimes.
I thank God for the countless blessing He has given me.
I thank my wife for her support and love!
I thank my children for their patience.
I thank my Dogs for my daily licks.
I thank Denny for being there when I needed it.
I thank the Eagle for being there when I needed it.
I thank Jim, Jerry, Scott, Julie, Cindy, Cherly, John, Terry, Mike, Leon and the countless number of other people that have come into or been a part of my life. Everyone brought something to table and I walked away blessed from every encounter and some are still blessing me today.

Friday, August 24, 2007


My wife and I were discussing how we were going to raise the funds we need to get the ball rolling with F.H.C.
She was thinking and talking about how a few years ago she raised close to $1000.00 to help a cat that got left behind find it's way back to it's owner's. She did this in under 3 months, so far, to date, F.H.C. has raised $234.00 dollars. The media (local TV station) loved her cause and put it on the air in just the first two weeks, so far, to date, no media outlet will talk to me about the homeless. If poverty was cute would you help me stop someone from becoming homeless, that is my goal.
One person at a time, one day at a time we can set aside our fear, our loathing, and remember that Christ said we are to take care of each other, He gave us dominion over the animals, and commanded us to love one another and take care of each other.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

We have an opportunity win $10,000 for our organization which will completely solve the problem of where to get funding for our 501c3

We can do it! You can help! (It's easy, it's free and you'll DO GOOD!

A group with the unlikely name of razoo is holding a Change the World contest:
Razoo is an innovative new web platform that is actively engaging individuals and organizations to mobilize a new generation for social change. At Razoo, we are putting all our resources behind our mission of empowering and inspiring individuals for positive social change - and to celebrate our initial Launch, we are hosting a $10,000 contest for organizations to help us build a global community for social change!

Contest Details

Who: non-profits and other social cause groups
What: A $10,000 prize your organization can win
Why: To create awareness, community, and action around important social issues
When: August 1st - September 15th
How: Create a Razoo Group and recruit at least 100 members to join by September 15th and you will be eligible to win the $10,000 prize!

The Change Your World Contest is an opportunity for social change organizations and groups to win $10,000 and publicity for your work! Any social change organization that creates a Razoo Group and recruits at least 100 members to join by September 15th will be entered into the Change Your World Contest. The Razoo community will then vote for its favorite organization to select the winner of the contest. The prize is a $10,000 donation to your organization, and a high-profile online campaign built around your issues and work!

What can you do to help? (step by step instructions)

Create your new account now and join F.H.C. Ministries Razoo Family
Sign Up at have to respond to the confirmation e-mail...

2) Then join our group:

(You can find us by typing FHC in the What's your passion? search bar, but we've made it easy for you to find by providing the link.) click here and join our group.

3) Then...from the razoo web site, invite at least one other person to join!

There! It's easy, it's free and YOU DID GOOD!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

6 Questions

I just read an article called 6 Questions To Ask Charities Before Donating.

It is a good article and you should question yourself before you give to a charity. Even F.H.C.

I would like to address those 6 questions.

1. Can your charity clearly communicate who they are and what they do?
Yes we believe we have done so, however, if you disagree please eMail us any questions you have and we will be happy to answer them. You will find our who / what / how on our website at F.H.C. Ministries.

2. Can your charity define their short-term and long-term goals? We believe we have, but just in case.
Our Short Term Goals:
Develop F.H.C. Ministries Web Site. Done - It is evolving, but it is done.
Raise the funds necessary to establish our 501c3 letters of incorporation. Still in Progress
Raise the funds necessary to purchase some much needed initial supplies and equipment. Still in Progress
Help those we can as we become aware of their needs. 6 Requests for help - 4 Served.
Networking, volunteering and shaking hands. Ongoing Process
Our Long Term Goals:
Raise the funds necessary to give local communities the funds they need in order to address the issues and causes in their own communities as they see fit.
Teach Right Living Courses
Teach How to get the un-churched back in Church.
Spread the word about the benefits of just being a good neighbor.
Major Long Term Goal:
To not be needed anymore.

3. Can your charity tell you the progress it has made (or is making) toward its goal?
Yes, we have decided to not only make this information available by request as the law requires, we will post this information on our website as we go.
Currently F.H.C. Ministries has raised $60.00 that money was put into our Internet hosting costs. All other monies approximately $2600.00 at this point and time have come from me (Reverend Thomas) as I continued to work full time while praying and letting God develop F.H.C.
We are now on the road and I no longer have a full time job. We are obedient and the rest is in God's hands as well as yours.
We are still dedicated to not asking local groups, churches or individuals to making any donation to us that would interfere with any tithing ministry. Do not donate to us if you have doubt in us or what we are doing.

4. Do your charity's programs make sense to you?
That is a question you have to ask yourself, do you believe in what we are doing?

5. Can you trust your charity?
That is a question you should ask God, pray first give second, something we already discussed on the website.

6. Are you willing to make a long-term commitment to your organization?
We hope the answer is yes, because your long term commitment to us, is a long term commitment to American Workers.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lies and Myths about Poverty in America

Most poor people are not black or brown. Most poor people are white. They are disproportionately young, female and single.

This is a quote from Jesse Jackson in the Chicago Tribune. The article can be found here: America has poor excuse for poverty.

This article is a great read. It helps dismiss more myths and lies about poverty in America. I have read many.

There would be no poverty if the mother would marry the fathers of their children is lie I read.
There would be no poverty if the lazy people would just get a job is a lie.
There would be no poverty if .........

Poverty is an ugly beast with many heads. Poverty in America, with all it's indulgences, bling, excess, and wealth is an insult to American Citizens. Instead of running from someone who is homeless you should feel shame for America. Instead of fussing at your co-workers about the bum on the corner you should bring him a meal.

If you want real wealth in your life, give up what you have. God does not want you to live without, He wants you to live abundantly. He will get you a new coat if you only had one to give. He will replace the food in your cupboards if you empty them for your neighbor.

Real wealth comes from being right with God. Not right with yourself, your neighbor, your boss, or anyone else for that matter.

A friend told me a story once I am going to share with you. He said "why don't the homeless and poor just ask God to solve their problems"? I told him they did, just a lot of people are not listening to God's still small voice and passing out the abundance God has for them.

That's really how God works, through us. He speaks to us, He offers us opportunities, He guides us and leads so that we are always in the right place, in the right time, doing the right thing. That is if we listen to Him.

How is your listening skill?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Poverty is looking good! or The Road To Ninevah

I have had several conversations with friends and family and they all say the same thing. All the facts and figures on our website are boring and hard to read.

They encourage me to make poverty fun?

  • Ok, fine, who wants to hear all about the starving children in America?
  • Who wants to hear about the blue collar worker who can’t pay his light bill because his daughter’s medical bills from her cancer are killing him?
  • Who wants to hear another preacher tell us to cough up some cash, feed the hungry, and love one another? I mean did you see that idiot cut me off on the highway the other day.

I could take the time to repeat all the things I have said on my website, but you know what, you take one look and poof you are gone. So I won’t.

You want to make poverty a fun and exciting topic at the dinner table? I will tell you how.

  • Take the kids to Miami for a week at Disney land. But stay for two, during the second week, go to the grocery store, buy a bunch of groceries, take your grill to a park or someplace all the homeless people are and feed some folks that are hungry, shake a few hands, hear a few stories, WALK AWAY BLESSED! Oh and by the way if you don’t get arrested (and you might because it is illegal in the city of Miami to feed the homeless) think of all the stories you will have to share. Guess what grandma, while we were at Disney Land, Mommy and Daddy got arrested.
  • Spoil yourself one day next week, spend a night on the town, sleep in a shelter, it’s free, comes with blankets and food, you might make a new friend.
  • Toss one of those bags for the local food pantries in your shopping cart every time you buy some groceries for you.

The truth is this: Poverty will only become fun and exciting when it’s gone. The only way that is going to happen if you make it happen, not someone else. You are the support staff the soldier in the trenches need. You are source of income for the soldiers fighting in this war.

Maybe I have not given you a reason to support F.H.C. Ministries yet, we are young, we could be just another group trying to use poverty has an excuse to make money. I won’t bore you with more statistics. I only have one last comment.

I have been running from my calling for years, and I know that God has given a wide enough view on things to scare me good and hard. I will be obedient to His call, and since this is His idea, it’ a done deal, with or without you. I thank Him for that. Everyday is a blessing since I have been released from my whale. The road to Nineveh is my path.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our first squidoo

We just created our first squidoo. It's about President Johnson's declaration of war on poverty in America. Check it out and I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

New Web Site Editions

We have just added a web board to our site. We did this so we can continue to find as many ways to communicate with you as possible. You can visit our board at have fun. We look forward to keeping in touch with you.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jesus has been declared an outlaw and criminal in Orlando, FL

That's right, the city of Orlando, FL, home of Disney Land, has declared Jesus an outlaw and all Christians as well, read the story for yourself.

Jesus commanded us to feed the hungry! The city of Orlando and several other major cities as well has made it against the law to do so.

I am currently emailing the local major of these cities, and or there local paper. I will let you know what they say.

In the meantime, keep your dollars out of these cities. Dallas has Six Flags, Don't Go, Orlando has Disney Land, Don't Go.

Better yet, break the law and bring a homeless person a sandwich and some love from our heavenly Father.

If you see sign like this email them to me. I will post them, the city, the mayor and everything else I can post about it.

Friday, February 09, 2007

A New way to help

We have just added two new features to our web site and blog. First we have an eNews(letter) coming out in March, so if you don't want to miss the first issue or any issue, sign up today. We use the double verification method to insure that you signed up, not that someone signed up for you. We also added a brochure to website that we would appreciate any help with that you can give us. Just download the brochure, make as many photo copies of it you can and pass it around to your friends and family. Thanks!
I have not mentioned my thoughts on the "new" minimum wage yet. It's a joke! Why? today's dollar is actually worth $2.00 less than it was when President Johnson declared war on poverty. So a $2.00 dollar increase will only bring us up to 1964 standards of living.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Not a Foreign Affairs Office

I would like to address the 3 out of 5 emails I have been getting lately. The calling God placed on my heart was to fight in this war against poverty in America. Blue Collar Poverty in America even more specifically.
I appreciate and respect the hundreds of missionaries all across the world and keep you in my daily prayers.
Do not ask FHC for help if you are not serving the needs of American's I can't help. My calling is different than yours.
Next nasty email I get from one you. I will post it here on my blog.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Did Jesus Lie To You, No, Of Course Not!

My wife and I were joking around and chatting, when we started talking about a serious subject but in a very funny perspective. I think everyone should here this.

Do you know how many people call Jesus a liar everyday, I don't either but I bet it's a lot more than most people think.

Think about this: You just answered the alter call, for the first 10 to 15 minutes down at the alter you feel great. You know you have been forgiven, your sins are all washed away and now your a prince or princess, the son or daughter of the Greatest King, God, the Heavenly Father.

You go home, you look around, your in need of some blessings, but before you stop to pray for those blessings you start feeling guilty about the sins you were just given forgiveness for. You decide that you are not worthy to ask so you stop and go about your day feeling guilty. Well, guess what? You just called Jesus a liar and let the devil sneak in and ruin the whole thing for you. God has forgotten all your sins, your acceptance of His Son and His Son's sacrifice just erased your past, the one who won't let go is you. God wants to bestow His gifts on you, He wants to give you your inheritance, you are after all now, a prince or princess and one of God's children.

That's arrogance my friends, that pride talking, that's the devil slipping in and whispering in your ear, see Jesus lied to you, you still feel guilty. Your not worthy.

Jesus said to go boldly to the Father and ask. Jesus said you can't get to the Father except through Him, but since you made that alter call, and you accepted Christ's sacrifice and the Father's gift of forgiveness, you just got that free pass to God.

So go and ask, be bold, talk to your brother Jesus, spend some time chatting away, remember your in, your one of "them" now, heck, your one of "us" now, your the son or daughter of the most powerful King ever, one with no limits to what He can do. Your a prince or a princess.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Stop Poverty In America Petition

It has come to my attention that a petition to end poverty in Africa and other foreign countries is a hot new item. I don't believe that anyone should go hungry. However, I believe we should start here, at home, in America first.
It seems to me that foreign aid is a bandwagon that the rich and famous want everyone to jump on. Billions of Blue Collar consumer dollars have already financed the private endeavors of many private foreign aide projects of the Rich and Famous. In as much as these Rich and Famous choose to invest American Consumer Dollars in rescuing the improvised of the world, let our American Tax Dollars be spent at home.
Let's end poverty in America! Let’s send a message to congress, that we want the grant monies set aside for poverty issues, health care, human rights and human affairs to stay in America, and be reinvested in the Health and Welfare of American Citizens!
This band wagon is painted red, white and blue.
To sign this petition please follow this link. Thank You! Rev T

Monday, January 08, 2007

My Apologies

It seems the contact form on our website has been sending the forms to an e mail address that we set up as a catch all address and I have missed a couple of contacts.
I am very sorry, we have addressed the issue of where the contact form goes. I will contact the folks I missed immediately. I am very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused anyone. RevT