Reverend Thomas's Irreverent Web Blog. A discussion of U.S. domestic events and policies affecting the development and direction of Faith Hope and Charity Ministries. Along with some highly opinionated comments, some seemingly non-Pastoral in nature.

Friday, August 24, 2007


My wife and I were discussing how we were going to raise the funds we need to get the ball rolling with F.H.C.
She was thinking and talking about how a few years ago she raised close to $1000.00 to help a cat that got left behind find it's way back to it's owner's. She did this in under 3 months, so far, to date, F.H.C. has raised $234.00 dollars. The media (local TV station) loved her cause and put it on the air in just the first two weeks, so far, to date, no media outlet will talk to me about the homeless. If poverty was cute would you help me stop someone from becoming homeless, that is my goal.
One person at a time, one day at a time we can set aside our fear, our loathing, and remember that Christ said we are to take care of each other, He gave us dominion over the animals, and commanded us to love one another and take care of each other.

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